In brief: One guy named Mr. X runs around Toronto’s transit system in a bright yellow shirt, while three or more guys in red shirts try to find him using the clues he gives at every third stop he makes. The three detectives are coordinated by dispatchers who tell the detectives where they think Mr. X might be and how best to block him off. Mr.X’s dispatcher is relaying information about the detectives whereabouts and tries to keep him away from them. The game ends when a time limit has been reached or X is caught.
You need:
• A fully charged Cell phone with unlimited weekend minutes
• A Monthly or Day Pass for the TTC
• Sunscreen
Here are the rules: Scotland Yard is played by 6 or more people, half of the players are in the field, and the other half are dispatchers. Teams are paired up, one dispatcher with a field agent. Each pair is in contact with each other using a cell phone. One agent in the field is chosen to be “Mr. X” while the rest are detectives.
The object: As Mr. X, you must avoid capture for a determined amount of time (3 or 4 hours), As a detective, you have to capture Mr. X (optionally cuff, rough-up, interrogate and incarcerate) through team play and coordinated efforts before time runs out. Dispatchers are the people who will strategize and coordinate your efforts in the field.To start the game: Mr. X is randomly placed at a stop and must phone into HQ to tell his dispatcher what 3 methods of transportation he will be using on his next three moves (subway, streetcar, bus). To stand out from the crowd, Mr. X must wear his yellow “X” shirt. Detectives must wear the red “D”. (These striking shirts are provided)
How to move: Both Mr. X and the detectives will utilize Toronto’s public transit system during the game. Mr. X is limited to the transportation provided on the map, however the detectives may freely move about the playing field in any way they see fit. (This rule may change depending how the game flows.)
Going from one stop to an adjacent stop is called a move. 3 moves consists of a turn. At the beginning of every turn Mr. X must phone into HQ to tell his dispatcher what 3 methods of transportation he will be using on his next three moves and in what order. At every second turn (6 moves) Mr. X must reveal his location as he enters that location. Mr. X’s dispatcher must tell the detective’s dispatchers this information, who in turn tell the detectives. The detectives locations known by Mr. X at all times.
Mr. X is given 1 black ticket with which he may make one bonus move in secret. This will be used at any time, and doesn’t need to be declared at the beginning of his turn.
When travelling by subway Mr. X must skip one subway stop for it to be considered a move. This gives the advantage of allowing Mr. X to travel greater distances in less moves, and skip by detectives, e.g.. Mr. X may travel from 47 to 35 by subway in one move but may not go from 44 to 37 in one move). All other transportation moves as expected. Be careful on the weekends as there may be longer waits between buses and streetcars. Usually no longer than 20 minutes though.The DetailsMr. X may not leave the platform, station, or TTC boundary by any other means than the transportation declared. Mr. X may not deviate from his declared plan.
When outdoors, the boundary is set by the stops them selves. An imaginary line is drawn around the corner stops, or subway entrances on each intersection. Failing this, a boundary the size of a soccer field would be appropriate.
Mr. X must stay in this area in open view, but if discovered, may run, jump, deke out, hide or whatever is necessary, in order to avoid his captures. If Mr. X gets on his declared transport before being tagged, the detective may not follow him, and can either follow on foot or wait for the next one. BE CAREFUL OF TRAFFIC AND SUBWAY TRAINS! Once Mr. X is tagged or the time expires the game is over.
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